In order to reduce the pressure on our healthcare system, and to ultimately help prevent the spread of COVID-19, Dr Webster has put down his tools. At this time more than ever, our greatest concern is the safety and wellbeing of our patients. As such, until the time comes that operations can commence safely, Dr Webster and we, his team, will be dedicating our time to supporting you however we can, electronically.
Whether you were in the midst of planning your surgery, or have recently had your operation, we want to help you through this inevitably challenging time. For this reason, Dr Webster will still be holding consultations online, in order to prepare everything for when this is behind us and you can go ahead with your procedure. The team will also be monitoring phone calls and emails so that, should you have any questions or concerns, you can still get in touch. Most importantly, we want you to know that we understand just how unsettling the current climate can be – at the end of the day, everyone at our clinic is experiencing it at the same time as yourself! It is our belief that we should share this social burden with each other, so that we can come out of this a stronger and closer community.
However, we understand that during this time, tough decisions must be made. For some, this may mean that your surgery is postponed for longer than we will be closed, perhaps even for quite a few months. If this is the case, remember that we are not going anywhere. You will not be forgotten, nor will you be left behind; when you are ready, we will be here waiting, ready to restart our journey wherever we left off. The most important thing to remember during this time is that we cannot allow fear or panic to be divisive – instead, we must use it as a reason to come together and support one another by acknowledging that we will each recover from this at our own pace, and in our own time.
Furthermore, we are lucky that most post-operation consultations can also be performed online. This means that, aside from operations, our clinic can continue its operations with only minor alterations (the most significant being, of course, conducting consultations online!). If you do need to come in to see Dr Webster for a post-operation consultation, rest assured that this can still be arranged under the safety and social-distancing guidelines set out by our Government.
This pandemic will inevitably end and when it does, we will be ready to pick up where we left off without missing a beat. Until then, we will continue to consult with you online, to answer calls and reply to emails, and support you however we can. Once things return to some kind of normal, and when the time is right, we will be here, ready to take the journey with you.